The Sermon on the Mount
  • The Sermon on the Mount 01_The Beatitudes

  • The Sermon on the Mount 02_Salt and light

  • The Sermon on the Mount 03_The fulfillment of the law

  • The Sermon on the Mount 04_Helping The Poor

  • The Sermon on the Mount 05_About prayer

  • The Sermon on the Mount 06_About fasting

  • The Sermon on the Mount 07_Treasures in heaven

  • The Sermon on the Mount 08_Do not worry

  • The Sermon on the Mount 09_Judging others

  • The Sermon on the Mount 10_Ask, Search, Knock

  • The Sermon on the Mount 11_The narrow and the wide path

  • The Sermon on the Mount 12_The tree and its fruit

The Sermon on the Mount 01_The Beatitudes

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