project IDEA - Computer Skills
  • Computer Skills_ Parts of the Computer

  • Computer Skills_ Searching the Internet

  • Creating Powerful Presentations_ How to Use PowerPoint

  • Effective Presentations_ Google Slides

  • Effective Presentations_ Effective Presentation

  • Effective Presentations_ Public Speaking

  • Computer Skills_ Using Email

Books in this Series
  • 8
    Project IDEA - Time management, Budgeting & Consumer Economics
  • 12
    Project IDEA - Communication & Community
  • 6
    Project IDEA - Health, Wellness & Stress Management
  • 7
    project IDEA - Computer Skills
  • 12
    Project IDEA - Education & Study Skills
  • 13
    project IDEA - Work Readiness & Team Collaboration
  • 6
    project IDEA - Contemporary World Problems

Computer Skills_ Parts of the Computer

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whocantalk Online Language Study     [웹트리정보통신] 대표:조용재    강원도 원주시 지정면 신평안터길 38-1     email :
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